第29回Music World Festival 直島へようこそ!

"Music as Art and Harmony"

Semi-Final 2

"Welcome everyone to Naoshima, a hidden gem in Japan! Enjoy our music festival on one of the art islands in the Seto Inland Sea!"

Dates & Deadlines

Register: New Players (Open)

Migrate to Different Place: Current Players (Open)

Submit Song: 2 - 10 July 23:59 JST

Semi-Final Voting: 11 - 20 July 23:59 JST

Qualifiers Reveal: 21 July at 24:00 JST

Grand Finale Voting: 21 - 30 July 23:59 JST

Results Revealed: 1 August at 24:00 JST

Missing: Bosnia & Herzegovina | Ireland

Geoblocked: Malaysia

Semi-Final 2 Results

5. フランス [France]

6. スウェーデン [Sweden]

7. マレーシア [Malaysia]

10. オーストラリア [Australia]

12. ボスニヤ・ヘルツェゴビナ [Bosnia & Herzegovina]

15. スペイン [Spain]

16. モザンビーク [Mozambique]

19. アイルランド [Ireland]

DQ. モナコ [Monaco]