Welcome to Manchester, United Kingdom for the 11th Music World Festival

"Music Revolution"

Dates & Deadlines

Register: New Players (Open)

Migrate to Different Place: Current Players (Open)

Submit Song: 2 - 10 January

Songs Revealed: 13 January

Vote for your Favorites: 14 - 29 January

Results Revealed: 1 February

The Songs

6. Iceland

7. United States of America

The above video plays the ScoreWiz with songs receiving 12 points in the background.

The above is the traditional ScoreWiz result.

Congratulations Tony and Canada for winning the 11th edition of Music World Festival with the song "Tears of Gold" by Faouzia.

This is the second time Faouzia has been voted the favourite song, prevoiusly also for Canada but with the song, "Bad Dreams."

Voting Breakdown